Most pandas users encounter a situation where choosing to append rows to a pandas DataFrame
seems like a good idea. A quick search of the API (or your favorite search engine) reveals that pandas has an append
method in DataFrame
. You may be tempted to use it. In this article I’ll show you why you should not use append
, how you should grow your DataFrame
, and a tip to make it faster.
Since pandas version 1.4.0, the append
method has been deprecated, and this is called out in the documentation. The recommended solution is to use concat
, but there’s a little more to the idea of growing a DataFrame
than just blindly calling concat
. Let’s dig into some examples to see why.
An example
Consider a scenario where we have a DataFrame
with time series data. That just means that the index is a datetime
, and in our case, it has one row per day.
import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(365,3), index=pd.date_range('1999-01-01', periods=365), columns=list('ABC')) df.tail()
A B C 1999-12-27 0.731785 0.737431 0.422735 1999-12-28 0.378716 0.880707 0.775295 1999-12-29 0.002116 0.417487 0.427373 1999-12-30 0.012588 0.455592 0.022638 1999-12-31 0.026779 0.337595 0.894299
This is fabricated data, but you could imagine that you have a data file with data for each year, month, or week, for example. Now let’s say that the approach you choose is is to load the first data file into a DataFrame
, then load each file (as a DataFrame
) and append it your initial DataFrame
. How would append
# data for year 2000 df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(365,3), index=pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=365), columns=list('ABC')) df_combined = df.append(df2) print(df_combined.shape) df_combined.tail()
(730, 3) <ipython-input-2-58251cd78b0a>:3: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead. df_combined = df.append(df2) A B C 2000-12-26 0.900865 0.054083 0.103369 2000-12-27 0.433142 0.325692 0.412640 2000-12-28 0.877837 0.766650 0.244791 2000-12-29 0.095600 0.821537 0.685641 2000-12-30 0.095580 0.501606 0.856036
is deprecated
The first thing we see is that since I’m running pandas >= 1.4.0, there is a deprecation warning. It’s telling us to switch from append
to concat
. So if all you want to know is how you should append rows to an existing DataFrame
, use pd.concat
How to use pd.concat
takes a list of pandas objects to concatenate as the only required argument. If you call it this way, it will use the index on the objects (they could be DataFrame
s or Series
) you pass in, and concatenate them along the 0
(or index
) axis. If you pass in 1
(or columns
) as the axis
argument, it will grow the DataFrame
by adding columns.
You also should know about the ignore_index
parameter. This is False
by default, but if the indexes overlap on your objects (for example, if you have a default index on your DataFrame
s and truly intend to just have those rows added at the end), then you should set that to True
It also takes a join
argument, which defaults to outer
. This means that missing values in one DataFrame
will be created in the resulting DataFrame
but with NaN
There are other arguments which can be useful, check the docs on merging for some good examples.
pd.concat([df, df2])
A B C 1999-01-01 0.190596 0.369787 0.503640 1999-01-02 0.407761 0.114384 0.044529 1999-01-03 0.782395 0.578529 0.426242 1999-01-04 0.996079 0.796410 0.246697 1999-01-05 0.409903 0.112034 0.602407 ... ... ... ... 2000-12-26 0.900865 0.054083 0.103369 2000-12-27 0.433142 0.325692 0.412640 2000-12-28 0.877837 0.766650 0.244791 2000-12-29 0.095600 0.821537 0.685641 2000-12-30 0.095580 0.501606 0.856036 [730 rows x 3 columns]
Building up a DataFrame
OK, now that you know the right answer to combining multiple DataFrame
s into one DataFrame
, you know enough to use the correct method. But what about the situation where you end up getting multiple rows or smaller DataFrame
s one at a time and want to build one larger DataFrame
? How should you do that?
Let’s start with a simple example of our time series data, pretending we get one file per year.
%%timeit df_all = pd.DataFrame() for y in range(1999, 2023): # pretend we're loading these from a file or API or database df_y = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(365,3), index=pd.date_range(f'{y}-01-01', periods=365), columns=list('ABC')) # the temptation is to do this: # df_combined = df_combined.append(df_y) df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df_y])
11.9 ms ± 392 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
A better way
That works. But a better way to do it is to do the pd.concat
only one time.
%%timeit data = [] for y in range(1999, 2023): data.append(pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(365,3), index=pd.date_range(f'{y}-01-01', periods=365), columns=list('ABC'))) df_all = pd.concat(data)
7.2 ms ± 221 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
You might think, “What’s the big deal, it’s only a few more milliseconds”? Well, this is a trivial example of 365 data points. We can build a more complete example with a bit more data. Let’s say we have DataFrame
s of size 1,000 x 1,000, and let’s build them by calling pd.concat
in two situations: once for each loop and only at the end. Let’s also build an example where we start with a larger DataFrame
, but only append one row.
(Note I set ignore_index=True
here because each DataFrame
will have the same default index.)
import datetime start = times = [] df_all = pd.DataFrame() # appending each time for y in range(100): df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(1_000, 1_000)) df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True) duration = - start times.append((duration, y)) print(f"{duration} to make final DataFrame of dimensions {df_all.shape} calling concat every iteration") start = times2 = [] data = [] # just making the DataFrames once in the loop for y in range(100): df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(1_000, 1_000)) data.append(df) duration = - start times2.append((duration, y)) # and then one big final concat df_all2 = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True) duration = - start times2.append((duration, y)) print(f"{duration} to make final DataFrame of dimensions {df_all2.shape} calling concat once") start = times3 = [] df_all3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100_000, 1_000)) # appending each time, but just a single row for y in range(100): one_row_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(1, 1_000)) df_all3 = pd.concat([df_all3, one_row_df], ignore_index=True) duration = - start times3.append((duration, y)) print(f"{duration} to make final DataFrame of dimensions {df_all3.shape} calling concat every iteration")
0:00:27.403460 to make final DataFrame of dimensions (100000, 1000) calling concat every iteration 0:00:01.383713 to make final DataFrame of dimensions (100000, 1000) calling concat once 0:00:50.220051 to make final DataFrame of dimensions (100100, 1000) calling concat every iteration
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt axis = plt.subplot() plt.plot(pd.DataFrame(times).set_index(1), label='Concat Every iteration') plt.plot(pd.DataFrame(times2).set_index(1), label='Concat once at end') plt.plot(pd.DataFrame(times3).set_index(1), label='Start big, one row every iteration') axis.set_title('Time to append DataFrames') axis.set_xlabel('Number of iterations') axis.set_ylabel('Seconds') axis.legend();

Dramatic, isn’t it?
Now that’s pretty dramatic, and hopefully illustrates clearly the cost of naively appending to DataFrame
s. When you append rows to an existing DataFrame
, all the rows in the current DataFrame
are copied each time you call append. If you start with a large DataFrame
but only append one row in a loop, the time to add new rows will grow with the number of rows in the total DataFrame
. However, if you are growing a DataFrame
from scratch, it might seem fast enough in the beginning, but will bog down at large sizes.
Let’s just take a step back and talk about what the problem is. The first and most important thing to realize is that appending to a DataFrame
will make a copy of the data. This means that every time you call pd.concat
(or the deprecated append
) every row in the first DataFrame
has to be copied once to the new result DataFrame
. If you start with a DataFrame
with N rows and append M rows or DataFrame
s one at a time, you have to make NxM copies of just the original data, and this will be even worse if you are appending large chunks of data.
If there is only one final concatenation, the NxM copies are reduced to just one copy of the N rows.
So when you need to add data to your DataFrame
and are tempted to do this in a loop, remember the correct way to do it and only call pd.concat